
If you are considering a diploma or a degree in business, you must first list down your intents and your goals. Knowing what you want is the first step in determining the quality and type of education you need. If your career goals involve travelling, getting a job in a foreign country, setting up your own business and/or meeting new people with different backgrounds and cultures, then you cannot go wrong with a business qualification and where better to this than Australia.

Australia is an academic powerhouse and a place that draws students all over the world. So, when considering studying business abroad, Australia should be in your list. In an attempt to help or persuade you to take the journey of a lifetime, I have listed ten ways studying business in Australia will change your life.

1. You will get a 1st class education

Australia’s laws promote quality education and protection for international students. Institutions are regulated by government organisations (ASQA for Vocational Education and Training and TEQSA for higher education), so you can be assured that in Australia you will have a high quality and rewarding study experience.

High quality business schools in Australia also pride themselves on having the best facilities; providing an ideal business learning environment. At BROWNS Professional for example, the board style classrooms prepare you in a business style environment each lesson (take here a virtual tour of BROWNS Professional campus).

2. You will improve your language and your communication skills

English is the national language of Australia and its distinctive accent and vocabulary will be a great addition to your business career. Truth be told, if you want to be successful in business, you need to be fluent in the language of global business.

Although you can learn English in your home country, you will find in Australia you will completely immerse yourself in the language which will improve your fluency skills immeasurably. Living, studying, working in Australia will not only get you learning all the language skills but to a point where you even start thinking and dreaming in English.

In getting to this point, business schools that focus on international students understand the difficulties that these students can face with the language and therefore offer English language support for all of our students. At BROWNS Professional, students are eligible for English lessons at BROWNS English Language School Brisbane Campus.

3. Global recognition of education system enhances your employment opportunities

Employers all over the world continue to invest in global markets and prefer people with multi-cultural skills and experiences. If you obtain a diploma and/or degree from Australia, you will have more chances of securing a better job because employers recognise the education system in Australia more than most education systems around the world. Graduates from Australia are highly employed because of the impressive reputation of the quality of education here.

4. You can focus on the field that is right for you

A wide array of business courses and degrees are offered by many institutions and universities around Australia. This means as an international student you will easily find the field right for you. Some of the most common areas of study in the major institutions include accounting, marketing, finance, international business and more. You also have a chance to choose the type of institution that will cater your needs and interests whether it’s higher education or vocational.

With the Diploma of Business at BROWNS Professional you can fast-track your bachelor degree at a university in Australia. (Click here to see how Junyeong from Korea fast-tracked his bachelor in business at one of the most prestigious universities in Australia)

5. You start thinking big

Your exposure to different cultures and different languages will help you gain broad worldview which will diversify your thought and maybe your values. You are also able to hone your interaction skills and understand what makes a particular culture tick, what their needs are and how they respond to specifics practices. This can be a great addition, especially if your business career will involve networking with different people across the globe or getting a job in a foreign country.

6. You will get new perspective of the business world

Australia has one of the most stable economies in the world, so by studying here, you will get to know how to respond effectively and quickly to an evolving market. In simple terms, studying here helps you see the world in a completely different perspective than those taking courses in their home country. Studying here helps you see every local, national and global issue in a completely different perspective.

An added bonus: BROWNS Professional students studying a dual-program have the opportunity to build their networks and confidence in the Australia workplace with a real-world, unpaid internship in an industry of their interest. Internships are optional and included free-of-charge.

7. You will indeed have the best time of your life

Did you know that Australia’s main cities are always at the top of the ‘most liveable cities in the world’ list? You might never know what you miss until you consider studying there. It might be tough at times, but the reward can be very fascinating. If you happen to have some financial difficulties as a student, you are allowed to work up to 40 hours per fortnight and this is another great addition to your career. You can gain experience in the areas of your study. Overall, Australia is a friendly country, with laid-back nature and with the best standard of living.

8. You get to know yourself better

The immersion experience of living in Australia as you study offers you an opportunity to know yourself better. You will be living by yourself or with new friends, far away from your family and while this might not be an easy thing, you will get to know yourself better. This might help you develop some life skills that can also be valuable in your career. You might find yourself becoming more organised, more disciplined and definitely more confident.

9. You learn to respect diversity

As you meet students from different countries and cultures, you make friends who in few years to come may not be just friends, but great business partners. When meeting these friends, you not only learn about their culture or their interests, but you also begin to respect diversity. It doesn’t mean that if you decide to study in your home country that you won’t respect diversity, but it simply means that meeting different people from different countries will help you understand the true diversity even more.

10. You turn to a self-confident person

One of the greatest benefits you get, if you consider studying business in Australia, is that the degree you complete will make your curriculum vitae (C.V / resume) much more interesting. This not only makes you stand out above other job candidates but it boosts your self-confidence. Studying in Australia can prove to be a challenge to some people at times but from the experience you get you will emerge to be a wiser person with better social skills and you will certainly return home a better, happier and a more inspiring version of yourself.

Final Thoughts

Studying business in Australia will influence your career and even your personal development in a way you cannot imagine. You will find yourself tapping on sides of yourself that you didn’t know ever existed. You become stronger, more confident, and definitely more certain of yourself.
You will return home, if you decide so, with an incomparable competitive advantage that will make you stand out whether you want to land in your dream job or kick-start your entrepreneurial career.

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Santiago Ibarra

Digital Marketing and Recruitment Manager at BROWNS Professional
As a BROWNS former student I am passionate about international education. Helping other students to live the Australian experience is one of the things I enjoy the most and Digital Marketing is the way I use to connect with them. Views are my own.

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